PLCG Wins G3PSH Memorial Trophy for 2nd year

Parallel Lines CG came 1st place in the RSGB SSB Field Day 2023 QRP Unassisted Portable Section, winning the G3PSH Memorial Trophy for the 2nd year running.

PLCG made 116 valid QSOs with 5w with a simple 30m long end fed wire antenna. We ran for for only 7 hours during the 24 hour contest, using callsign G4LIP/P.

QSOs were split: 18 on 80m, 74 on 40m, 20 on 20m, and 8 on 15m.

This contest runs in conjunction with the IARU Region 1 Field Day contest and PLCG came 3rd in Europe/World, 1st place UK.
The G3PSH Memorial Trophy is awarded in memory of John A Coffey, QRT But Not Forgotten

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