First 2023 Team Meet-up

This week we had that rare occurrence, a Tuesday evening without a UKAC contest!

We took advantage of this by having our first 2023 face-to-face team meet up at a pub near our group HQ in Leicestershire. In attendance: Pete G4CLA, Chris G0WUS, Bernie G4HWA, David G4YTL, Allan G6HPR, Stuart G1ZAR, Carl G0NZI, Matt G5MAT, Jeff G8SEI, Luke M0LXX (and partner Sophie), Vinny M0TAV (and partner Jenny) and Ben 2E0TXQ.

Lots of discussions on operating, swapping of kit and good beer. Ben 2E0TXQ (nee M7TXR) was very pleased to be presented with a framed certificate for his 2022 1st place UKAC finish by Pete G4CLA.

A great evening was had by all, despite some loud QRM for the pub’s quiz night!

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