About PLCG

The group was originally formed in 1981 by a group of keen and like minded operators with a common interest in contesting (Radio sport).

Over the years the group has amassed a huge trophy collection, held records and continues to thrive.

A good team is all about its members. We actively encourage our team on air, help progress their station setup and further their operating skills.

‘The more aluminium in the air the more points on the scoreboard’ – G4CLA


PLCG primarily focus on the RSGB’s UK Activity Contests. These contests run on Tuesday and Thursday evenings almost every week of the year. We currently complete in the Local section which dictates that entrants must live  or operate within an 80km radius our group HQ. In 2022 we were runner-up finishing 2nd in the local section.

We currently have plans for the RSGB 144MHz Trophy contest in September, alongside the IARU/RSGB SSB Field Day.

PLCG members will again join our good friends at Wexford VHF Group EI9E/P for VHF Field Day from the White Mountain in Co. Wexford (IO62OM) in July.


PLCG are an amateur radio contesting group located in the Midlands, centred around our headquarters in South Leicestershire. We also have alumni and honorary members from further afield who contribute to our ethos.

Our Club callsigns are G4LIP and G8P