PLCG wins the G3PSH Memorial Trophy

PLCG has won the The G3PSH Memorial Trophy for our 1st place result in the RSGB SSB Field Day contest, QRP Unassisted Portable Section. The station was operated by Ben 2E0TXQ and Chris G0WUS alongside the groups entry in the 144MHz Trophy contest which ran on the same weekend. We ran for just over 7 hours with nothing more than a 12ah battery, a Yaesu transceiver and a 20m inverted L wire antenna strung to the nearest tree. This section has a maximum power of 5w, sometimes tricky when trying to break a pile-up of high power stations. This contest runs in conjunction with the IARU Region 1 Field Day contest and our entry was 3rd World/EU for the Portable multi-operator QRP section. This is our first HF trophy in 40 year, but it definitely won’t be our last!

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