144Mhz Trophy & SSB Field Day 2023

On Saturday 2nd September PLCG returned to multi-operator weekend contesting, successfully operating portable stations in this years RSGB 144Mhz Trophy/IARU Region 1 145Mhz contest and the RSGB SSB Field day/IARU Region 1 field day.

We operated from North Leicestershire in the 6 hour Open section for VHF (1400-2000UTC) with 2 x 11 element Yagis @ 400w QRO and 7 hours for HF (1300-2000UTC) with an end wire and 5w QRP. Elecraft K3 transceivers were used for both stations.

This was a great opportunity to test for future 24 hour contests, learn some new operating skills and get plenty of fresh air. Weather conditions were very kind to us and the whole operation went off without incident…. well apart from 2E0TXQ getting stuck in the mud as we first arrived! Thanks to G4CLA for the tow!!

In attendance: Pete G4CLA, Chris G0WUS, Dave G7WHI, Ben 2E0TXQ, Luke M0LXX & Sophie, Allan G6HPR, Jeff G8SEI & Elaine and Carl G0NZI… oh and a few hundred sheep

Look out for more multi-op contest stations from Parallel Lines as we build on our legacy as a leading European contest group

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