Amateur Radio Contesting

Parallel Lines Contest Group

Amateur Radio contesting

Amateur Radio Contesting is a competition to see who can contact the most stations in a set period of time on certain amateur radio bands and within specific rules. While contests often have similar objectives, each event has its own set of rules and information that must be exchanged with the stations that you contact during the contest. Contesting has been the driving force behind the many technical advancements in amateur radio, from transceiver/ amplifier design to antenna and station configuration.

PLCG are an amateur radio contesting group located in the Midlands, centred around our headquarters in South Leicestershire.
Our group callsigns are G4LIP and G8P.

Portable Operation (/P)

Many of our team operation outside of their home station (QTH) and set up on high ground for each contest. Operating with batteries and generators, they set up for each contest often having to deploy complicated systems including transceivers, masts, rotators and antennas, just for 2-3 hours of operating. When operating outside, this is termed ‘portable’ and /P is added after the operator’s callsign to distinguish this. By operating portable from high ground and remote locations in VHF/UHF/SHF contests, we can minimise ambient noise from developed areas and maximise our chances of working stations further afield.

Weekend Contests

PLCG currently have plans for the 144MHz Trophy contest in September, alongside the IARU/RSGB SSB Field Day.

PLCG members will again join our good friends at Wexford VHF Group EI9E/P for VHF Field Day from the White Mountain in Co. Wexford (IO62OM) in July.